Android games

Personal project 2011 2012

Technologies : Unity 3D, Android SDK and NDK

Soon on Android Market !

Antagon Castles

Personal project September 2009 - June 2010

Technologies : C++, multiplatform

I worked on this project to help a friend who had to do a game design for his studies.
With another friend, we developed this game following his design.


Student and personal project January 2007 - August 2008

Technologies : C++ and openGL, multiplatform

This project was begun during my Mastery of Computer Science (4-year university degree) and after I continued for myself and the laboratory which is the applicant of this game.
Workcraft is a serious game on a teaching topic. A teacher make a lesson, a teaching scenario with our editor, the workcraft client application takes this lesson and makes an unique dungeon where students progress in resolving exercices (Multiple Choice Questions, answer validated by teacher...).
Workcraft is a multiplayer game : students navigate and work together. They have multiplayer tools to communicate like chat or group system.

This project is composed of :

Instruction manual (French)


Student project 2007

Technologies : SmallTalk and Seaside, multiplatform

This project was made during my Mastery of Computer Science (4-year university degree). This web app is an agenda manager with users, hierarchy, agenda sharing, notification system by messages...

Demo (French website)

Genesis Pixcolor

Student project 2006

Technologies : ADA and openGL, multiplatform

This project was made during my licence of Mathematics and Computer Science (3-year university degree). The goal of this game is to draw a figure in creating a path between two same numbers. For example, to rely two number "four", you have to create a path of 4 cases : these two cases "four" and two cases between it.

Instruction manual (French)

Windows version
MAC version

2011 - Jonathan Pavlou - Copyright